
In the 1960’s, my grandmother, Vincenza, had returned to Boston’s North End, the neighborhood where she had first arrived in America. She had come full circle, having arrived in the North End in 1914 to find a filthy, overcrowded slum, to achieving the American Dream and owning a home in the suburbs to finally coming back to the place that felt comfortable and safe and reminded her of Italy as much as any American neighborhood could.
By this time, the North End had progressed from the run down slum it once had been to a tourist attraction for visitors to Boston. People came in droves to visit the small specialty shops along Salem Street, eat in the many restaurants that served regional dishes from all over Italy and to experience the sense of community that had grown and developed over the decades since Vincenza first arrived in Boston.
Walking up the four flights of old wooden stairs to my grandmother’s apartment, I could smell the food cooking from the apartments that lined both sides of the long hallways. The air would be filled with the mouth watering aromas of garlic frying in olive oil, peppers roasting and fresh bread being baked. My grandmother’s kitchen was always rich with the aroma of tomato sauce simmering on the stove, anise cookies baking in the oven and the light, sweet scent of ricotta mixed with eggs and parsley.
I spent hours in my grandmother’s kitchen watching her prepare meals; recipes and techniques passed down from her mother, Lucia; meals that she learned to prepare in an old stone kitchen over an open fire back in “the old Country”, Abruzzi. It seems that there was a story or some type of folk lore to go with every meal she prepared. I loved listening to the stories as much as I loved helping to prepare and eat the food.
The recipes I learned from my grandmother are the recipes of the peasant farmers, sheep herders and laborers of Abbruzzi. They are recipes developed out of necessity; the need to use every bit of food available and waste nothing; the need to find a way to fill your family and keep them nourished even when food and money were scarce. These are not gourmet recipes that use expensive, trendy ingredients. I am not a professional chef. Hopefully, you will enjoy the idea of making comfort food, plain family friendly meals, some of which go back centuries and have their roots in ancient Roman times. I learned that food was something to be fully experienced with all the senses. A meal was meant to be made from scratch, using the freshest ingredients possible. It was meant to be made with love and it was to be shared with family and friends, relished and savored. A full day could go into the preparation of a meal that would be served with pride and love to the family and friends gathered at the table. A meal was a social event; a time to sit around the table, talk, laugh and unwind.
The preparation of food was an art in itself. Food incorporated all the senses. One not only paid attention to taste, but also to the aromas, textures, appearance and sometimes even the sound of food. My grandmother never wrote down or read a recipe. All the knowledge of cooking was stored in her head. She learned to cook from instinct, using all her sense to determine what flavors would work together. I learned to cook the same way my grandmother and great grandmother did. Measurements consisted of a pinch, a bit and a handful.
I cannot begin to explain how difficult it is for me to write the recipes for this blog and for the upcoming cookbook. I learned to measure with a pinch, a handful, a little of this and a generous amount of that. Taste, sight and common sense told me whether or not the amount was right. In writing a cookbook, I had to prepare my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s dishes, trying to measure ingredients to make it easy for others to follow. I learned that this is easier said than done. Half way through the preparation, I realized that I was reverting to instinct and forgetting to measure. That’s what Italian cooking is. You learn to use all your senses to create a meal and you eventually know what flavors will complement one another.
Therefore, in reading these recipes and trying them out, you cannot take the measurements as absolute, but rather as guidelines for amounts. In some cases I have state that you should use a pinch or a bit of an ingredient. This will no doubt cause panic for some people who tend to worry too much about whether or not they are doing it right. These people are missing out on the joy of cooking and the opportunity to develop an intimate relationship to the food. I hope that anyone reading this will eventually try to let loose and have some fun cooking. Learn to trust your instincts, learn to uses all your senses in cooking, and learn to cook like an Italian.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Roasted Peppers

Roasted peppers can add a wonderful flavor to so many dishes and they are deceptively simple to prepare.
Back in Pianella, my great grandmother, Lucia, would roast sweet and hot peppers in a a huge, open fireplace in the kitchen. My great grandfather, Panteleone, loved to eat the really hot Italian peppers with Lucia's rustic bread.
Choose peppers that have a nice, rich color to the skin and are unblemished and firm. I prefer the red and green bell peppers or the hot green Italian peppers. Other varieties, such as yellow and orange bell peppers can be used, but I find their more delicate flavors do not hold up as well when roasted.
Wash the peppers thoroughly and dry off excess water with a dish towel or paper towel. Place the peppers in a shallow broiling or baking dish or a cookie sheet. You can also place them directly on the oven rack.  
Set them in the oven close to the broiler and allow to cook until the outer skin of the peppers begins to bubble and char. As the skin begins to turn black, turn the peppers overs to allow the same to happen o the other side. Continue turning the peppers until you have achieved a nice burnt skin all over.
Note that it is almost impossible to get them cooked evenly and in a uniform manner. Do not worry about that.
Once they are cooked, remove the pan from the oven or broiler and allow the peppers to sit and cool so that you can handle them. Although the outside may be comfortable to the touch, the inside of the pepper may still be very hot. Cut them open carefully and, if the inside is still too hot to handle, allow them to sit longer.
Once you can safely and comfortably handle them, remove the stems which should now easily pull away.
Cut the peppers in half lengthwise and spread them open, outer skin down, onto a cutting board.
using a small paring knife, scrape away y the seeds and inside ridged fibers of the peppers and discard.
Turn the peppers over so that the outside skin in now facing up. Again, using a pairing knife, gently scape away the blackened skin. Don't be concerned that you are not able to scrape away all of it. In fact, I prefer to leave some of it as I feel it adds more flavor. You basically want to get rid of the bubbled, overly blackened areas. 
The peppers are now ready to be used in some of my recipes or to be eaten sliced into strips and tossed with crushed garlic and extra virgin olive oil. This tastes great when they are placed on a chunk of hearty, rustic bread.